

来源:讲师   作者:  日期:2022年10月25日  点击数:
姓名 李霞飞 系别

职务/职称 助理教授 研究方向 金融工程、金融预测与能源金融
学历 博士 政治面貌 群众
电子邮箱 lixiafei@swjtu.edu.cn




担任《Energy Economics》、《Research Policy》、《Finance Research Letters》、《International Journal of Finance & Economics》、《Journal of Forecasting》、《International Review of Economics and Finance》 和 《International Review of Financial Analysis》等多本SSCI期刊匿名审稿专家。






在《管理科学学报》、《Annals of Operations Research》、《Journal of Forecasting》、《Energy Economics》、《International Journal of Finance & Economics》、《Finance Research Letters》及《Resources Policy》等期刊发表和录用学术论文20余篇。


[1] Li X, Li B, Wei G, et al. Return connectedness among commodity and financial assets during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from China and the US[J]. Resources Policy, 2021, 73: 102166.

[2] Li X, Li D, Zhang X, et al. Forecasting regular and extreme gold price volatility: The roles of asymmetry, extreme event and jump[J]. Journal of Forecasting, 2021, 40(08): 1501-1523.

[3] Li X, Liang C, Chen Z, et al. Forecasting crude oil volatility with uncertainty indicators: New evidence[J]. Energy Economics, 2022, 108: 105936.

[4] Li X, Liang C, Ma F. Forecasting stock market volatility with a large number of predictors: New evidence from the MS-MIDAS-LASSO model[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2022, forthcoming.

[5] Li X, Liao Y, Lu X, et al. An oil futures volatility forecast perspective on the selection of high-frequency jump tests [J]. Energy Economics, 2022, forthcoming.

[6] Li X, Wei Y, Chen X, et al. Which uncertainty is powerful to forecast crude oil market volatility? New evidence [J]. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2022, 27(4): 4279-4297.

[7] Li X, Wei Y. The dependence and risk spillover between crude oil market and China stock market: New evidence from a variational mode decomposition-based copula method[J]. Energy Economics, 2018, 74: 565-581.

[8] 魏宇, 李霞飞*, 梁超. 重大公共卫生事件影响下我国股市及相关避险资产间的收益与风险溢出效应研究[J]. 管理科学学报, 2021, 已录用,待发表.


[1] 胖数据环境下的国际能源价格中长期波动预测:基于计量方法、胶囊网络和深度学习的混合模型,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2023.12,项目编号:71971191,主研.

